>1st part

A Totally Normal Exercise in Self-Expression

posted to GuiltyFixture.com by Anonymous#33427 11/06/2010

I'm a pretty frequent television watcher, it'd probably be better for my wallet to switch to streaming but there's something about the simple pleasure of flipping mindlessly through channels sipping vodka on the couch after an exceptionally irritating day at work that just keeps me reeled in. I don't really have any favorite shows, I barely stay long enough on each channel to understand the plot of whatever's playing. I never catch any titles either — just flipping through. I find myself a bit too intelligent to actually find any entertainment in anything on the catalog, even the research and science-based programs are slightly too generalist for me. I'm only here to watch the channels fly by, an admittedly primitive hobby compared to my intellect but I'm not a nihilist so finding pleasure in the little things comes easy to me.

A month ago, however, I found a show that actually caught my eye. The Life of Milan Beauvoir, who is apparently some model or actress, this being her "reality" tv show. Usually I pass right by stuff like this, I'm not one to care about celebrity private lives and I've watched probably only a little over five minutes of any reality tv show in my entire life but for some reason that I cannot name — this show was very entertaining. I don't even think anything's different about it, just the same overdramatized and highly scripted reels of some undeservedly glorified celebrity's life that you'd find in any other reality tv show. Still, I was sucked in. I could barely tell you anything that happened, I was simply mesmerized — distracted by this aching feeling in my chest. Milan Beauvoir, I wanted to be her.

I watched her everyday afterwards with ever-increasing interest, paying close attention to her mannerisms. At first it was more obvious things like the way she dressed, the way she did her makeup, etc. As I kept watching for hours on end, however, it soon escalated to taking note of the things she ate, the way she ate, her tone and intonation, the vocabulary she uses, how she sounds when she's tired, angry, sad, how she interacts with her friends and family, I was curating a full-blown character analysis. I admit, I did end up going into grossly intimate detail on Ms. Beauvoir's life, I began doing my own research on the internet and found her alleged sextape. Yes, I went as far as to analyze how she has sex.

I can't tell you why this celebrity has intrigued me tirelessly for the past month and a half but I fear it's taken my soul away. It soon went from simply observing to emulating. I found myself talking like her and using her hand gestures first then I adopted her diet, morning routine, hobbies and interests. My friends and family quickly noticed the sudden change in overall personality, at first they joked about it, then they simply got confused and curious. This confusion was short-lived and as time went on and I began perfectly mimicking Milan in every facet but physical, my loved ones became annoyed, estranged, I'm isolated.

Few weeks went by and I noticed my face changing more and more everyday, I began looking like Beauvoir without even trying! At this point I've completely lost sight of myself, it's as if I'm watching someone else live my life for me, or more like — try to live their life inside of my own. I have lucid moments where I can find my own thoughts again, hence how I'm writing this right now but these moments are getting shorter and shorter everyday. Today, I look like a complete Milan Beauvoir clone right down to the tooth. I have no idea how any of this happened in such a short amount of time. I can't even remember why I'm writing this here, I guess I would just like to know if anyone else has experienced this or knows someone who has and what I can do about it. I feel as though I am dying.

>Anonymous#33427 Re:A Totally Normal Exercise in Self-Expression

posted to GuiltyFixture.com by IntimateCell 11/11/2010

As I was reading this unfortunate tale, I couldn't help but feel nauseous and utterly disgusted with the level of brainless, unintelligent mainstream brainwash you've fallen into. I did actually vomit afterwards by the way. You're everything that's wrong with our culture today. Everyone is completely unable to think for themselves, create their own personality and set of ideals. Everyone is too scared to do so, too numb to their meaningless jobs and senseless desire. Of course someone else has experienced this, we see it happen everyday. Women mutilating their bodies to fit into trends, men pretending to like certain media only to seem more intelligent. Everyday is a new mantra, a new lifestyle for everyone to follow and be happy because no one wants to give you the time to feel like shit, no one wants you to go one second without being productive, marketable. You want a solution? Stop fucking watching that crap and disconnect from society. That's something I myself am working on. For the past year I've been reducing my outside influence and media I consume to books and movies, then to just books, now nothing at all. Nothing inspires me, I make art purely out of my own untouched essence. I don't ride public transport anymore, I don't talk to anyone, even those that are supposedly close to me. In fact, I'm currently working on forgetting human language entirely. This will be my last day interacting with the world and I'm so glad I came upon your posting so I can tell you THERE IS ANOTHER WAY. I'm tired of living in a hive mind, tired of being a social creature at the cost of losing myself. Your friends and family live like insects, I am a spider — a solitary and unwavering essence that does not love, doesn't hate, doesn't think about others, doesn't feel cold or hot, doesn't rely on anyone, a completely pure and original soul. People will mock your intelligence, call you a cynicist. People will put down your pride, shame your ideal for being self-important, hypocritical, performative or vacant but that's the sign that you're doing it right. Soon even your physical form will become incomprehensible, the blood you shed will have no more DNA, the spit you produce will have no more bacteria. On a microscopic level, you will be 100% unique. Isn't that the finest state of existence? To be perfectly of your own making, unsullied by advertisement and propaganda, untouched by "work ethic" and "positive mental attitudes"? I think it is, and I would like you to join me. I'm not as selfish as you'd think; I genuinely want everyone to have this, everyone to be unique finally. Human connection is obsolete anyways, why not cut the poison out while we still can?

Man's Body Found Horrifically Mutated and Disfigured in "Anatomically Impossible Ways"

Jan. 10th 2011 • 1:17 P.M. Patrick Yuleman

On Saturday, Jan. 1st, a man's body identified as Sonny Yung was found hanging from the ceiling of a Walmart with steel wire in a T-pose seemingly conjoined with a biological clone of himself at the opposite axis, forming an X with his four arms. After an autopsy was conducted, no concrete theory of how this anomaly occurred could be given. Yung was not a conjoined twin and did not have any siblings. Not to mention, no reported cases of twins conjoined through each other's bodies exist. "It's completely anatomically impossible." stated Dr. Sharma, one of the pathologists who performed the autopsy.

Yung went missing three weeks prior to the finding of his body, his family stated that he was "obsessed with disappearing off the face of the planet" and "refused to talk to any of us for months before he disappeared". Yung frequented a forum by the name of GuiltyFixture.com where various people can confess secrets or vent their emotions anonymously. He went by the username "IntimateCell". The last interaction made by Yung on this forum was in response to a user who had become obsessed with a reality TV show called The Life of Milan Beauvoir, this TV show does not exist and neither does its subject Milan Beauvoir.

In response to the anonymous user's plea for advice in their dilemma of apparently becoming this fictional celebrity, Yung replied in disgust, "You want a solution? Stop fucking watching that crap and disconnect from society."

He went on to say: "For the past year I've been reducing my outside influence and media I consume to books and movies, then to just books, now nothing at all."

The most striking detail of Yung's response was this quote explaining the effects of self-isolation: "Soon even your physical form will become incomprehensible, the blood you shed will have no more DNA, the spit you produce will have no more bacteria."

Oddly, this matches up with Yung's autopsy report. "Yung's body consisted of cell structures yet unknown to biological science, we cannot even concretely say that this is Yung's body due to the lack of comprehensible DNA." wrote Dr. Sharma

This tragic and exceptionally bizarre case is still ongoing, raising more questions than answers.

-This article has been prohibited from publication-