how cruel…
really… for something to be ripped from you like that — when you were so close just to touching it. i guess that’s it, i never even touched it how could it be ripped away from me? oh god vivi, i know im not a victim… i'm just as callous as everyone else. close-minded, masturbatory, one-tracked and side-eyeing. how many times do i use “i” in a sentence? you know i never wanted to be this way… i never wanted to be mean, i never wanted to be hated either. most of all i never wanted to be ignored, that’s what i ran from. i started my freshmen year with the dream of finally being acknowledged. all the things i knew i could do, i knew i was intelligent, i knew i was talented, i knew i could be liked, i could talk myself around a room of a hundred people. i was never hated before this, maybe picked on, maybe misunderstood but never hated.
the only person who hated me was mom. oh god she hated everything about me, everyday spent writhing like an eel in that house. i must’ve been so horrible even my own mother woulnd't like me, but i couldn’t accept that. please for once i just wanted to prove her wrong, when she told me i had a forked tongue, that every word i say rots and decays, when she said that raising me felt like falling eternally. i can’t be that bad. i was a child, no child is that villainous. but how could i prove it? i needed to, i thought i could and i was so excited to come into a new school and put myself out there. i couldn’t believe the numbing ache i felt. all my nightmares and paranoia coming alive right before me as a twisted rot spurring lies, spurring hate, coiling around itself till it chokes and doesn’t stop choking, DOESN'T JUST FUCKING DIE! not a victim, i will crawl for miles digging my nails through the dirt until they bleed and splinter off if it means i can gain back even an ounce of control over my situation. i didn't want it to come to that. i genuinely begged for help, for someone to tell me what was wrong with me so i could just fix it. i begged mom to bring me to the doctor's for an ultrasound i knew there was something in me but nothing came up. all we were left with was the medical bill god she hated my guts for that. suddenly i was crazy. i got it from everyone, my own friends. now they just turn the other cheek like it's grown on them. well i just ran with it. became so overzealous, so proud of myself for knowing more than everyone else. anything to have it under control. i spat everything back up with twice as much venom. i became the most heinous, cynical, achingly sick parody of myself that i never, ever in a billion years wanted to be. and i knew that too, it became so bad i was expected to turn upside down every single room i entered.
i tried to dial back, just fade away like i;m used to and be really demure but when so many people are just betting on you... pitting you against yourself to act a certain way... you just do it to make it stop even for a moment. you do it so often it becomes you. you do it so often no one even cares anymore. the spectacle is over, no one even laughs, just rolls their eyes and spits at your name. why would anyone want that? i didnt. i wanted to be loved. by as many people as possible. i wanted to make up for being born, for wasting eggs. mom said she always hated what i did to her body after pregnancy. for making her fat and sick — vomiting every morning only to birth something she can barely look at. couldnt i at least just justify that? justify her suffering? for god's sake could i at least justify MY suffering?! should’ve killed me vivi — really. i even asked politely and you didnt do it. you really shouldve. why didnt you? why didnt you just kill me like i asked? why couldnt you just do that for me?? you would keep me here alive just suffering like this?! and what am i going to do afterwards?! oh god. how cruel.